博碩士論文 102622019 詳細資訊

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姓名 孫郁勝(Yu-Sheng Sun)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 應用隨機滑移模型 於臺灣地區之機率式海嘯危害度分析
(Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis (PTHA) of Taiwan region by stochastic model)
★ 利用RTL (Region-Time-Length) 演算法 探討921 集集大地震之前兆現象★ 集集餘震b值與碎形維度分析
★ 應用太空大地測量法探討台南地區之地表變形★ 電容耦合地電阻探測系統應用於地下管線與坑道之研究
★ 以交叉對比分析地震的時空分佈行態★ 利用單位海嘯模擬方法建立台灣近海海嘯警報系統
★ 利用PI方法研究地震前兆活動★ 由西太平洋地區T波觀測來探討其成因與遠震參數之關係
★ 臺灣深部電性構造及其板塊構造意義★ 利用Pattern Informatics研究1999年台灣集集與2008年中國汶川地震之前兆現象
★ 模擬地震前兆行為之數值模型★ 利用表面波頻散分析探討馬尼拉海溝側向速度變化
★ 地電法於地下掩埋物調查之研究★ 利用經驗模態分解法(EMD)探討潮汐效應對地震活動的影響
★ 利用LURR方法探討臺灣1994年後大地震之前兆現象★ 利用遠距沙堆模型探討特徵地震之準週期性
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摘要(中) 本研究係探討台灣沿海因地震所引起之海嘯危害,應用隨機滑移模型
譜的冪律行為。在海嘯危害分析中,依k-square model 來產生多組的隨機滑
摘要(英) We conduct probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis (PTHA) of Taiwan
region for earthquake sources (the maximum event) in the south part of the
Ryukyu trench and present the annual rate of tsunami wave heights exceeding z.
Stochastic model describes uncertain and heterogeneous slip distributions on the
fault. The values of slip distribution are following the boundary of heavy tail for
the 2D white noise (X) and that also makes the power law deviate to the k square
model. In PTHA, we synthesize patterns of differently complex and
heterogeneous slip distributions induced the vertical seafloor displacements by
stochastic model. The results clearly show the tsunami prorogation is affected
along with the slip distribution pattern changing. That means the behavior of
real tsunami is not the same even under the same conditions and suggest we
ignore the possibility of wave height as estimating the tsunami hazard before
and have a chance to underestimate. This study supplies a more realistic method
of the tsunami hazard analysis and obtains more information.
關鍵字(中) ★ 隨機滑移模型
★ 危害度分析
★ 海嘯
關鍵字(英) ★ stochastic model
★ tsunami
★ hazard
論文目次 摘 要 ...................................................................................................................... i
Abstract.................................................................................................................. ii
誌 謝 .................................................................................................................... iii
目 錄 .................................................................................................................... iv
圖目錄 .................................................................................................................. vi
表目錄 .................................................................................................................. ix
第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 引言 .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 臺灣海嘯之研究 ...................................................................................... 1
1.3 研究動機與本文架構 .............................................................................. 2
第二章 機率式海嘯危害度分析 ......................................................................... 7
2.1 引言 .......................................................................................................... 7
2.2 建立分析模式 .......................................................................................... 7
2.3 評估地震的破裂幾何與平均滑移量 ...................................................... 9
2.4 海嘯數值模式 ........................................................................................ 11
2.5 計算地震機率 ........................................................................................ 14
2.6 計算區域機率 ........................................................................................ 15
第三章 隨機滑移模型 ....................................................................................... 20
3.1 引言 ........................................................................................................ 20
3.2 滑移分布的自我相似特性 .................................................................... 20
3.3 滑移分布在數學上的描述 .................................................................... 24
3.4 隨機滑移分布的產生 ............................................................................ 25
第四章 分析模式之應用與結果以琉球海溝南段為例 ................................... 34
4.1 引言 ........................................................................................................ 34
4.2 研究區域 ── 琉球海溝南段 .............................................................. 34
4.3 地震參數分析 ........................................................................................ 35
4.4 隨機滑移模型參數設定與結果 ............................................................ 35
4.5 海嘯模擬之數值模型設定 .................................................................... 36
4.6 海嘯超越波高之條件機率 .................................................................... 37
4.7 地震與區域機率之評估 ........................................................................ 38
4.8 海嘯危害曲線 ........................................................................................ 38
第五章 隨機滑移分布模型與模擬結果之探討 ............................................... 55
5.1 影響隨機滑移分布模型的因子 ............................................................ 55
5.1.1 滑移分布與冪律指數之探討 ...................................................... 55
5.1.2 截切二維隨機分布對k 之指數與滑移分布的影響 .................. 55
5.2 海嘯模擬結果之探討 ............................................................................ 57
第六章 結論 ....................................................................................................... 76
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................. 78
附 錄 ................................................................................................................... 90
A 地震靜態滑移模型 ................................................................................. 90
B 二維隨機分布與隨機滑移分布 ............................................................. 91
C 波高條件機率分布 ................................................................................. 93
D 波高時間序列 ......................................................................................... 96
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指導教授 陳建志、陳伯飛 審核日期 2015-7-27
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